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Cancer is Curable!
Gregg Braden and The Matrix

Watch Gregg Braden!

Gregg Braden video

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In this video about curing cancer Gregg Braden explains also the existence and the mirror function of physicist Max Planck's "Matrix".
The Matrix is an infinite energy field which reacts to our thoughts and feelings.

Our hearts are electromagnetic machines and strong transmitters (if necessary the heart frequency is corrected by a pacemaker).
The heart frequency is modulated by our thoughts and feelings and permanently sent out to the Matrix.
The Matrix reflects our feelings and sends us matching events.

It is alarming when many people send out the same feeling, e.g., fear of a typhoon. Then the Matrix sends a typhoon. This sounds absurd but it is the law.

A profound problem is praying. If many people pray that no typhoon shall come ...
The Matrix makes no difference between "typhoon" and "no typhoon". it recognizes only "typhoon" and sends it.
Also the Matrix ignores the word "not" and any other negations.

For me the existence of an immense intelligence (God) is evident, e.g. by the brilliant creation. But God seems to be not exactly what the religions say.
God could be the universe.

We must edge out negative feelings by distraction - always!

Proposals by Friends

Joe Gersich wrote:
"Try crashing the blood sugar as the cancer feeds on glucose. also, try a rosemary tea (1 tsp of rosemary in one cup of boiling water) and let that steep for 15 minutes. you might want to add more water to thin out the flavor. the rosemary contains a compound that can keep cancer cells from diving properly - they die. The best antioxident is selenium and just one brazil nut a day contains enough to reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 80% and i am sure that it would work for other cancers. the cancer prefers an acid environment so the bicarb of soda would make the body more alkaline."

Carola Rost-Maskawy wrote:
Thanks, Joe!
But to adjust the blood sugar level to make only the tumor cells starve and not the brain and body is not easy in my opinion. Rosemary is a great piece of advice! Also the brazil nut!

And potatoes - eat them as often as possible to neutralize the acid in the body!

But we shouldn't take base salts additionally, because the environment (pH value) in the intestines must be always sour. I use Baking Soda (sodium hydrogen carbonate = NaHCO3) only for reducing the sour taste in some meals. (The term "sodium bicarbonate" is based on an early chemists' error. It's more in use than the correct name).

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The Cancer Industry on Youtube

Carola Rost-Maskawy